Business Owners:

Get more ideal customers lining up to work with you in the next 30 days

…without cold calling, pushy sales methods, or flash-in-the pan tactics and strategies

Are you struggling with connecting to your ideal audience, generating qualified leads, and ultimately driving the revenue you know you deserve?

And you feel frustrated and confused as to why what you’ve been doing is not working?

You need to stop figuring it out for yourself, hiring flakey freelancers, and using cheap online services because none of those methods get to the true reason your products and services are interesting to your ideal audience.

Chances are you bootstrapped your business in the early years and never properly developed the foundation of your brand. This is the root cause of your current business problems!

You need to build a memorable and targeted brand by FIRST coming to a deep understanding of why you’re in business, who you’re up against, where your customers are, and how to communicate to them and THEN create your marketing materials. NOT the other way around.

When you do this, you’ll get the new customers you’re after because when people see your stuff and they’ll think, “wow, this was made just for me and I need it in my life.”

Because people don’t buy what you do, they buy “why” you do it, and now you are actually saying the right things to the right people at the right time. Plus you’re going to look badass.

You’ll finally achieve clarity, feel vindicated, and be even prouder of your business.

And, you’ll become an aspirational market leader with more business than you can handle.
The KURTZ team is the best creative agency I've worked with. The team is efficient, responsive, and the details do not get past them.”
Jeff Worcester, President, Child Craft

Your products and services are top notch, the problem: it doesn’t seem like it to people who don’t already know you. We’ll realign your brand so that even strangers are begging to buy what you’re selling.

Transform Your Brand, Transform Your Business

Amateur Entrepreneur

  • Getting inconsistent leads and minimal sales
  • Having frustration and confusion about why current strategies aren't working
  • Feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and stuck
  • Struggling with cold messaging, updating website without results, and ineffective advertising
  • Believes branding is just about logos and visuals, not realizing its deeper impact

Influential Entrepreneur

  • Have a steady stream of high-quality leads and increased sales
  • Have a sense of clarity and confidence in new strategies
  • Feels empowered, inspired, and in control of business growth
  • Uses strategic brand development and targeted messaging
  • Knows that branding is the foundation of business success, driving customer loyalty and revenue

Hi, I'm James Kurtz

I used to struggle with getting new customers and sales.

I was updating my website, working my network, cold messaging, running ads, basically trying all the strategies and tactics I could to scale my business, but it wasn’t working.

I was burnt out, running out of money, and feeling like giving up. It had me feeling frustrated, confused, and stuck.

One day, while venting to a business owner friend about my struggles, I had an epiphany.

The very process we had been using to help our clients build their brands could be adapted for our own use.

Within a few weeks after implementing this system, I got more sales than we could handle. We even had to turn it off just to catch up on all the new work.

Needless to say I felt proud, confident, and secure knowing that I can now get customers on demand.

I realized the truth about getting more customers is first deeply understanding who you serve and why you serve them and then project the right image, with the right messaging, to the right people, at the right time.

Now, it’s my mission to help small business owners realize, achieve, and project their greatness to exactly the right people.

Because every brand deserves to show up looking as good as their products and services.
This process brought clarity to our previously complicated messaging, enabling us to connect better with our ideal audience, even as our product was still evolving.”
Tim Hopkins, Owner, Prizum
If you’re like most small business owners you probably think, I just need to update my website and then I’ll get the new customers I’m looking for.

But what happens when you update your website? It falls flat because you’re distracted from what really matters—a deep understanding and articulation of your brand FIRST.

The truth is you can update your website, get in front of more people, run ads, etc. and no one will care.

Because the only way to get customers lining up for what you’re offering is to get your brand dialed in perfectly right FIRST, so that you are laser targeted and the only logical choice for your ideal customers.

In reality if you’re saying the wrong things to the wrong people and you look like $#!% no one is going to take you seriously.
Branding is a higher return than advertising…It's by far the superior strategy…Want to know whether you have a brand or not? People will pay extra for a brand…Which is why brands are the most valuable thing that a company can have.”
Alex Hormozi, an extremely successful businessman

It's time to Uprise your brand.

The Big Brand Blueprint

The Big Brand Blueprint is a simple 4 step process to build an instantly credible brand in 30 days or less without over priced agencies, flakey freelancers, “unlimited” design services, or race-to-the-bottom contests.

This works by understanding and aligning your brand to your ideal customers in a way that gets them to raise their hand and say, “yes, please.”

As a result, instead of just making a new website or getting a logo and thinking you have your brand all figured out and then having to redo it all the time because it’s not working, you'll get a magnetic, professional, envy worthy brand that gets you more leads, customers, and revenue.

With The Big Brand Blueprint, you can have less headaches about where your next customer is going to come from, transform your business into the big brand you already know it is, and feel proud about how you go to market.

And in this step-by-step program, I'm going to give you the instructions, methods, and secrets on how it’s done.
The new logo is here and she is B-E-A-utiful! Don't get me wrong, I loved our old logo, but this new one is *chef's kiss*.”
Danielle Harward, Owner, Alliance Ghostwriting
You see, a brand is like an iceberg. Most people only think of the tip of the iceberg, or what they can see above the water (your logo, website, etc.).

Once they get these items completed they never think of them again.
But what they don’t realize is that underneath the surface is 80% of the iceberg (deeply understanding your customers needs, wants, desires, your competitive position, why you do what you do, etc.).

Without the underwater portion of the iceberg you’re just floating around aimlessly at the mercy of the sea.
We did a controlled study of clients that we have helped with their brands.

The results clearly show that if you go through our process you’ll go from forgettable, inconsistent, misaligned, and confusing to unforgettable, consistent, aligned to your customer, and making way more money.

On average our clients achieved the following:

increase in memorability
increase in accurate representation of brand
increase in brand communication consistency
more favorable when compared to leading competition
more likely to attribute branding to company success
increase in gross revenue

You’ve heard of the three little pigs, right?

You do not want to build your house (brand) out of straw. It needs to be built out of bricks.

Most people think of brands as just a logo or a website, but that is a straw house.
You need to start with a foundation made of solid bricks (your brand core), then you need to have solid architecture (your brand strategy), and then it needs to look beautiful (your brand identity).

This is the only way to keep the wolf from blowing down your house.

Want my personal help to grow your business in the next 30 days?

The Next Step in Your Success Story.
The information presented on this website is provided to offer an overview of the potential impacts and benefits of engaging with our program. The qualitative claims are based on our extensive experience and outcomes observed in past projects. The quantitative data is derived from surveys conducted with our clients, comparing their status before and after utilizing our services over a period ranging from six months to a year. It is important to note that while we strive for accuracy and relevance in our data collection and analysis, these findings should be considered as indicative rather than definitive. The results are based on self-reported data from our clients and have not been subject to independent audit or validation. Future outcomes may vary, and the specific impact of our services can differ based on a multitude of factors unique to each client's situation.
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